Carmen Hargreaves

Carmen is a Hip Hop and Acro teacher. Carmen started dance at the age of 3 and fell in love. As Carmen got older she continued her passion and took classes in Ballet, Pointe, Contemporary, Jazz, Modern, Tap, Hip Hop, Acro, and Song and Dance. She was a competitive dancer for about 9 years and travelled around the lower mainland for most competitions. Representing Canada in the Hip Hop world’s competition was a highlight. She also passed a number of her AIDT jazz tech exams before graduating and leaving for University.  Through-out her years of dance she would help her teachers with the younger kid’s classes to gain teaching experience as well as help pay for her own classes. 

When Carmen returned from university she started teaching Hip Hop and Acro at various studio’s and rec centers. It was also at this time that Carmen started training Hand to Hand with her partner Jason. They dedicated a lot of time and hard work into training and soon enough were preforming professionally. These gigs included corporate events, weddings, birthdays, city events and commercials.  They have had the opportunity to train with Cirque Du Solei performers as well as travelling to Montréal to broaden their Circus knowledge and abilities.

Carmen’s passion for dance and circus is always growing and there is nothing she loves more than to share that passion. She believes in hard work, commitment, and most of all having fun.


Tia Prince


Catherine Potocky